Search Results for: recipe


Bookshop Bookshop Dr Claire Maguire is a published author and in addition to her beautiful recipe book, she has also co-authored the following self-development books in collaboration with The Professional Woman Network. They are now available for purchase on Amazon through the links below: Fresh & Sophisticated – the Art of Radiant Eating by Dr…

Healthy Digestion
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Healthy digestion can help fight covid-19

Over the past decade the importance of gut health has stepped into the spotlight. Ten or so years ago the term ‘gut microbiome’ was probably rarely heard outside medical and nutrition communities. Today, it has evolved into a crucial topic when it comes to discussions about health and wellbeing, which is why I’ve blogged about…

stay positive when hitting the crisis wall

How to stay positive through the Lockdown slump

It’s now been over six months since WHO declared coronavirus a pandemic. After six months of containment measures completely changing the way we live, do you feel like you’ve “hit the wall”? Perhaps you feel like no matter how hard you focus on maintaining a positive outlook and sticking to your routine, you still feel…