Search Results for: low fat


What Should I Eat for a Healthy Gut?

“The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.” ~Robert C. Peale. Keeping our gut, and the bacteria living in it, healthy and happy is incredibly important. Not only does a healthy gut microbiome promote better digestion, it also keeps our heart healthy, affects how we store fat, controls our blood pressure and…

The right direction

Setbacks Are Inevitable, How Do You Tackle Them…?

 “Don’t be sidetracked by one setback along a path of gifts and blessings” – Rasheed Ogunlaru Ah setbacks.. life is full of them! Hurdles, obstacles, problems, bumps-in-the-road, whatever you call them, there’s certainly no avoiding them. Unexpected twists and turns make up part of life’s rich tapestry, although it can be hard to see at…