Search Results for: self-compassion

step by step

Here’s how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions

At the start of each year, countless people around the world resolve to change something about themselves, or indeed, many things about themselves. Whether it’s spending less time on social media and more time reading books; getting fit and losing weight; receiving a promotion or pay rise; or cultivating a calmer and more focused mental…

stay positive when hitting the crisis wall

How to stay positive through the Lockdown slump

It’s now been over six months since WHO declared coronavirus a pandemic. After six months of containment measures completely changing the way we live, do you feel like you’ve “hit the wall”? Perhaps you feel like no matter how hard you focus on maintaining a positive outlook and sticking to your routine, you still feel…

Beautiful Roses

Self Love Every Day!

“With self-compassion we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.” – Kristen Neff. Last week we gave you a little self-love exercise. Hopefully this is still fresh in your mind but if you missed it, just click here and start feeling the love for yourself… As it’s still ‘Valentines…