stay positive when hitting the crisis wall

How to stay positive through the Lockdown slump

It’s now been over six months since WHO declared coronavirus a pandemic. After six months of containment measures completely changing the way we live, do you feel like you’ve “hit the wall”? Perhaps you feel like no matter how hard you focus on maintaining a positive outlook and sticking to your routine, you still feel…

Wellbeing Coaching in the Workplace

Employers are introducing mental wellbeing help during the pandemic

Over six months have passed since the World Health Organisation declared Covid-19 a pandemic. For most of us, our lives have changed completely, as we face new challenges we probably never thought we’d see in our lifetime. I recently wrote about the looming mental health crisis we are facing in the UK and across the…

Stress executive

Stressed Executives benefit from wellbeing coaching too

All across the world, people’s mental health and wellbeing have been severely impacted by Covid-19. Reports of increased levels of anxiety and stress caused by the ongoing health and economic crisis fill our newsfeeds and daily conversations. This is why focusing on our mental health and protecting positive wellbeing is now more important than ever,…

dealing with anxiety & depression

23 million people struggling with mental health in UK

Employers must do more to support the mental health of their staff during the Covid-19 pandemic, as new research shows up to 23 million people in the UK could be struggling with poor mental wellbeing as a result of the current climate. Businesses are missing the opportunity to take taking simple steps to help support…

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