Search Results for: gut

gut microbiome

Does gut health protect against food allergies?

The health of our gut and how it may affect our wellbeing is being talked about a lot. That’s because our gut bacteria (microbiome) influences our health in many ways. Having a high diversity of good bacteria in our intestine system promotes better digestion, keeps our immune system healthy, affects how we store fat, controls…


What Should I Eat for a Healthy Gut?

“The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.” ~Robert C. Peale. Keeping our gut, and the bacteria living in it, healthy and happy is incredibly important. Not only does a healthy gut microbiome promote better digestion, it also keeps our heart healthy, affects how we store fat, controls our blood pressure and…

4-Bookings Blocks

Deposit + Pay in Full Join us on our Health and Wellbeing Coach Training Course Our intensive 5 day accredited training provides the tools, techniques and support to enable you to build your coaching skills and business rapidly. We love the fast-track advantages of the shared group dynamic for learning and the interactive support it…