Season Greetings & Happy New Year
I’d like to wish everyone a merry Christmas, happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year…
The photo is courtesy of our local tourist attraction in our neighbouring village of Bagby!
“Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” – Shakespeare. The ego is the part of us that wants to keep us in the illusion that we are ‘separate’ from the Universe itself and all within it. It makes us think that we are somehow ‘different’. Knowing how our ego operates is…
Have you noticed how time feels different in those days between Christmas and New Year? There’s a peculiar magic to this period when the usual rhythms of life soften, and the world seems to pause, giving us permission to simply be. I’ve always been fascinated by this unique pocket of time. Not just as a…
The Daily Mail article, referenced in Coco Loco-Part 1, mentions Dr Mary Newport and her case study about her husband’s struggle with dementia. She comments that in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, multiple sclerosis (& others) it appears that the neurons in certain areas of the brain are unable to process glucose and therefore not getting any…
If you adopt just one healthy habit over the coming weeks, make it a daily Sat Kriya practise. Just three minutes each day can really enhance your overall wellbeing, by purifying your body and encouraging all negativity to leave your system. Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kudalini yoga as it works directly on stimulating and…
“Words can inspire, and words can destroy. Choose yours well.” – Robin Sharma. Lately, we are all so conscious of being mindful. We’re becoming mindful about keeping in the present moment. We’re applying mindfulness techniques at work and at home to free up some much needed head space. But how often are you truly mindful…
The words “Fear into Power” were written on a T-shirt I wore yesterday, a souvenir from a Tony Robbins event I went to many years ago to walk on fire. An amazing experience but not what I am writing about today, more the synchronicity of timing of pulling out a forgotten T-shirt! For yesterday, my…