Search Results for: recipe

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Coco Loco – Part 2

The Daily Mail article, referenced in Coco Loco-Part 1, mentions Dr Mary Newport and her case study about her husband’s struggle with dementia.  She comments that in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, multiple sclerosis (& others) it appears that the neurons in certain areas of the brain are unable to process glucose and therefore not getting any…

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Coco Loco – Going Nuts for Coconuts (pt 1)

I had just mentioned to a friend about our concern with Dad’s short term memory becoming ‘short’! Although we have our concerns about Alzheimer’s he has always passed the doctor’s tests.   Plus as he’s also off the statins now (see my previous blogs on statins) it can’t be the Lipitor side-effects. Anyway, this friend then…

Full English

Message for MSG

It’s amazing how we all get taken in by marketing hype.  And that means even me too!  I was looking at bacon recently in the supermarket.  I was determined to avoid the sub-standard quality bacon that used injected brine to salt the meat. My eye was attracted to a product whose packaging looked rustic promoting…