
A Fishy Affair…

After writing about farmed fish in Scotland, it’s amazing how many more articles about fish farming around the world started popping up – all around the question of whether farmed fish is environmentally sustainable. The first article I came across was from The Australian newspaper (18 Dec 2010), and once again the scary comment from…


Born to be Wild

I happened to watch the BBC program ‘Country File’ the other day (28 Nov 10) in which they had a segment on salmon farming in Scotland.  It was all very interesting, but one small comment really caught my attention…  it was just a throw away comment by one of the fisheries representatives which said something…



It appears that the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) in the USA is fighting back against allegations that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is increasing the risk of diabetes, liver disease and obesity by…  Can you guess how?  No, it’s not new scientific research or in-depth clinical trials, but by…  Changing the name! If the CRA…

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