
Coco Loco – Part 2

The Daily Mail article, referenced in Coco Loco-Part 1, mentions Dr Mary Newport and her case study about her husband’s struggle with dementia.  She comments that in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, multiple sclerosis (& others) it appears that the neurons in…
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Climb for the Cure…

The day after publishing my blog about Alzheimer’s & coconut, I came across this: The Alzheimer’s Society, Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge… 28 July 2013. Climb 3 peaks in 12 hours! So all those patriotic Yorkshire people can get fit and…
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Full English

Message for MSG

It’s amazing how we all get taken in by marketing hype.  And that means even me too!  I was looking at bacon recently in the supermarket.  I was determined to avoid the sub-standard quality bacon that used injected brine to…
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