Boundary Line


When was the last time you evaluated your boundaries? If we don’t set boundaries with people and check in with these from time to time, then they can end up overlooked entirely as we spread ourselves too thin by trying…
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Peaceful Meditation

Maintaining Habits

Don’t let the drizzly week fool you, we have made our way into July and here at Raw Horizons we’re keeping our fingers crossed for more sunny days out on the terrace and hoping we’ll soon be able to shed…
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International Yoga Day

Happy Saturday friends, we hope you’re all looking forward to a lovely weekend, whether that be relaxing and chilling or involving lots of busy and exciting plans. As Wednesday saw us celebrate International Yoga Day, we’re here to spread some…
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The Team

Exciting News

As we cruise through June, we’re taking some time to reflect on what has been a really wonderful year so far. With our back to back retreats being fully booked, we’ve definitely been busy and we wouldn’t have it any…
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Being Present

Does your mind often wander during the day? Do you find yourself worrying about the future or fretting over the past? Are you spending your time worrying about things that are out of your control? If your answer is ‘yes’,…
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