Health & Wellbeing
Coach Training

For Organisations



The Association for Coaching & The Personalised Care Institute

Health & Wellbeing
Coach Training
For Organisations

The Association for Coaching &
The Personalised Care Institute

Zoom Live Learning

Accredited & Certified Training

This 4-day course is specially designed for organisations and businesses that wish to add the benefits of health and wellness for supporting their people.

Accredited and approved by The Association for Coaching & the Personalised Care Institute*.

(NOTE: if you wish to enrol as an individual, you are welcome to join our scheduled public 5-day courses - these are the same modules & also accredited with both the AC & PCI. CLICK HERE to find out more. Apply the code: NHSPCI to receive a 10% discount off the 5-day course price).

By training a small team as Wellbeing Coaches, this certified course:

  • Retains your organisation’s wellness proficiency in-house.
  • Ensures meaningful support of your staff &/or clientele.
  • Promotes behavioural change for lasting benefits.
  • Provides an individualised approach to help people shape their own solutions to manage their wellbeing.
  • Helps organisations reap the rewards of staff satisfaction, retention and productivity.

"The course was professional and thought provoking. The experience surpassed all my expectations."

NHS Alder Hey Children's Hospital Trust
Together Against Cancer Charity
BBC radio
Lakeside Health Care

Course Details

Our courses are held using Zoom virtual classroom so students can be located remotely.

Utilising blended learning with live teaching, certified training is completed in just 4 days.

Course Dates:

This is run as a private course for your team only. As such, we have the flexibility to run the schedule either as:

  • Consecutive days (eg: Mon-Thu or Tue-Fri), or
  • Split over days / weeks (eg: 1 day per week for 4 weeks)

Course Price:

$16,500 + GST for up to 6 students

Additional students can attend:
$2,000 + GST per student

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

(NOTE: if you wish to enrol as an individual, you are welcome to join our scheduled public 5-day courses - these are the same modules & also accredited with both The Association for Coaching & the PCI*. CLICK HERE to find out more. Apply the code: NHSPCI to receive a 10% discount off the 5-day course price).

Training via Zoom

Empower people to take control of their wellbeing

We teach the skills, provide expert knowledge and create the confidence to instil long-term change.

The Course Structure

Delivered via our Zoom classroom with live teaching, lively group discussion, question + answer sessions, and break-out rooms to implement new skills.

Plus a comprehensive manual to compliment the teaching, homework
and time for coaching skills practise.

  • The course is structured into distinct learning modules, as outlined below.
  • Teaching is over 4 days, 9.30am - 5.30am AWST, with breaks.
  • Extra time (1 hr max) is needed in the evening to complete homework which complements the day’s learning.
  • Private organisation cohorts with a minimum of 6 students per group.

"I have learned so much. The whole course was well scheduled and the quality is fantastic.”

The Course Structure

Delivered via our Zoom classroom with live teaching, lively group discussion, question + answer sessions, and break-out rooms to implement new skills.

Plus a comprehensive manual to compliment the teaching, homework
and time for coaching skills practise.

  • The course is structured into distinct learning modules, as outlined below.
  • Teaching is over 4 days, 9.30am - 5.30am AWST, with breaks.
  • Extra time (1 hr max) is needed each evening to complete homework which complements the day’s learning.
  • Private organisation cohorts with a minimum of 6 students per group.

"I have learned so much. The whole course was well scheduled and the quality is fantastic.” 

Module One:
Understand Wellbeing

Within this module we frame what wellbeing is by looking to understand it from different perspectives from Philosophy to Positive Psychology. 

We explore the term balance and why we lack it.  

We define the role and what we do as a wellbeing coach. 

We gain an appreciation of why a client will benefit from adding wellbeing to their set of life coaching goals.

Module Two:
Coaching Skills

To be an excellent coach you need the necessary essential skills:

  • Rapport building
  • Empathy, sympathy and compassion
  • Communication
  • Active and reflective listening
  • The power of asking great questions

All will be covered within this module to ensure you are equipped to confidently work with your clients.

Module Three:
Coaching Models

As a great coach we need frameworks to guide our sessions, to build strategy and momentum.

Within this module we explore:

  • The GROW model
  • Visioning ideas (with script)
  • Goal setting
  • Coaching wheels
  • Core values
  • Finding opportunity + solutions
  • Role modelling
  • Procrastination and persistence

Module Four:
Emotional Health

Our emotions are key to how we feel and interact with the world.

In this module we examine what emotions are by an understanding of physiology in context of feeling, reacting, cognition and behaviour.

We look into how to gain emotional strength; explore the emotions of shame, guilt, fear, anger, disgust, love and happiness. 

We begin to understand the power of habits and the difficulties that arise in changing habitual behaviour. 

Module Five:
Managing Stress

With stress having a major impact upon our lives we dedicate an entire module to it.

From gaining a biological perspective of the nervous system and the vagal nerve we examine techniques to sooth our reaction to stress.

We cover practical ways to manage stress in our daily lives plus we explore how to be resilient to stress. 

We also unpack the various ways in which journaling can help your clients upon their wellbeing journey.

Module Six:
Coping Strategies

We start with defining coping and the stages of change for when coping strategies are no longer working. 

We examine motivation, overcoming sabotage, why we use excuses, identifying triggers and how to resist temptation.

We cover how to break out of a negative loop pattern and in doing so enhance our relationship with food. 

We explore mindfulness through the lens of food.

Module Seven:

A practical module where we understand the concept of neuroplasticity of the brain and why this is important for seeking change.

We also look at the science of brainwaves and how they affect our emotional health.

We examine the importance of our breath plus various meditation styles & how they help our wellbeing.

We also cover how to lead a meditation/breath practice and explore a few different techniques.

Module Eight:

We explore the concept of shifting priorities and creating boundaries plus we work with different ideas to promote the benefits through routine and ritual.

The concept of self-care and the benefits gained by incorporating this practice are examined in this module.

We discuss the definition of self-love and the underlying principles. We gently find ways to help a client find self-acceptance and kindness, plus we examine the impact our home has upon our wellbeing.

Module Nine:
Work Setting

This module looks into the importance of boundaries within your workplace setting and which ones are essential for your work environment to run smoothly.

We study the important factors of how an effective coaching session is conducted, including setting homework, taking notes and keeping records.

We introduce The Association for Coaching's code of ethics for your underlying guide of principles and ongoing appropriate behaviour within your working relationships.

Our Accreditations

The Association for Coaching
The Personalised Care Institute*

Our Accreditations

The Association for Coaching
The Personalised Care Institute*

NHS Personalised Care Institute
Association for Coaching

Some FAQs

Yes, our training is accredited and approved by highly respected professional organisations within both the coaching and wellbeing fields:

  • The Association for Coaching (AC) - the leading international coaching body &
  • The Personalised Care Institute* (PCI) - setting the standards for evidence-based training in personalised care in England.

These accreditations show we are dedicated to the highest standards of coaching & training.

Yes, our training is specifically curated to give all the information needed to be a coach in 4 days.

This course has also been rigorously evaluated & accredited by 2 highly respected professional bodies which ensures it is of superior quality.

Our experience shows that it’s better to have all the learning and theory in place first, so new skills can be practised in a cohesive, methodical and inclusive approach.

This means our graduates are ready to use their knowledge & skills immediately to start helping people.

This course is designed for organisations in both the public and private sectors, that wish to support the wellbeing of their people, such as:

  • HR & Training Departments - responsible for providing ongoing support to ensure staff wellbeing.
  • Hospitals – to provide staff & patients with wellbeing support.
  • Medical practices – to reduce the load on GPs.
  • Schools & Universities – responsible for both students & staff wellbeing.
  • Charities & Care Providers – to assist the mental health of both their staff & clientele.
  • Public Sector Organisations (such as Police Departments, Emergency Services, Local Councils) – to support their people with mental wellbeing & holistic health.

Yes - if you wish to enrol as a private individual, then you are invited to attend one our public 5-day Health & Wellbeing Coach Training course dates. You can see our dates & prices here.

The ‘5-day’ course covers the same coaching skills modules and wellbeing components, PLUS it includes the business modules, such as discovery calls, record keeping, ideal client, coaching packages etc. Click Here for all the Modules covered.

As such it is also accredited with both The Association for Coaching & the PCI and you receive your certification and membership for both.

In addition to all the above, by joining our 5-day course you also receive Bonus Modules to help you set up & start your own coaching practice and business.

Find out more about our 5-day Wellbeing Coach training.

corporate wellbeing

"The course was professional, fun and thought provoking. The experience surpassed all my expectations. I cannot recommend this course highly enough."

For Further Information

To discuss your organisation's requirements, please contact us either by emailing us here or calling us on: +61 403816103.

Or fill in the form below and we'll get back to you shortly:

Contact Us

Thank you for contacting us. Please click the Submit button and we'll respond as soon as possible.

The Team at Raw Horizons.

* The Personalised Care Institute was commissioned by NHS England in 2020 to set the standards for evidence-based training in personalised care.


Dr Claire Maguire

Dr Claire Maguire, the UK’s leading wellbeing coach, inspires people from around the world to live the life they really desire.

She is passionate about coaching and its benefits.

Hence she specialises in training a select number in the art of wellbeing coaching, being of exceptional quality and integrity in this supportive, nurturing field.

Using methods that she used to regain her own self-confidence, re-set her goals and recreate a positive body image after her trauma with breast cancer, she developed her own wellness coaching method, The Healthily Happy Philosophy®, ensuring all areas of wellbeing are covered.

Dr Claire Maguire, health and wellbeing coach


Hear what our graduates have to say about our wellbeing coach training

Annabelle B.

Thank you so much, for sharing your knowledge & expertise with so much passion - it’s been a fantastic week and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the training.

Geraldine M.

It was a fabulous course. Incredibly inspiring and worthwhile. If you are thinking about it, just go for it, you won’t regret it.

Ruth C.

I absolutely loved this course! Claire was a great teacher and really inspiring.

Laura B.

I know this sounds cheesy but I honestly could not recommend the course more highly!

Curious to Know What it Takes to Be a Coach?

Download our free coaching skills checklist to discover what qualities
are needed to successfully coach people 

Checklist Signup Form (#12)