Search Results for: sugar


Seeing Red…

Recently a friend of mine was told he had a high cholesterol level and was prescribed Lipitor.  Apparently when he asked the doctor if there were any possible side effects, he was told there were none!  I find this quite unbelievable…  Since reading my blog about statins he has decided to put the prescription for…


Brain Food

‘We are what we eat’ is certainly a very old saying and one that has been used by many people to denigrate all sorts of diet theories over the years.  Well I think the best one is ‘if you eat rubbish then you’ll be rubbish’. I’ve just watched the BBC 3 documentary which follows Zoe…



It appears that the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) in the USA is fighting back against allegations that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is increasing the risk of diabetes, liver disease and obesity by…  Can you guess how?  No, it’s not new scientific research or in-depth clinical trials, but by…  Changing the name! If the CRA…