Search Results for: new year


Just Blown Away!

My original idea with this entry had been to expand from the FSA report comment from my last blog into the benefits of organic farming for developing countries and then explaining the philosophy of biodynamic farming. But I got sidetracked by my research, hence the delay in publishing this entry – my apologies for making…


Report Retort!

The FSA (Food Standard Agency) released a report last week, the basis of which was to compare the nutritional benefits of organic food compared to conventional food. The conclusion of the report was that there was little difference in nutritional value between the two and hence no nutritional benefit in eating organic food. As you…

Hot Air

Just Hot Air…

We all know how much hysteria the health of the earth is causing around the world.  All the talk about reducing global emissions, the guilt trips to make you reduce your personal carbon foot print, the threat of rising sea levels – I used to find it all quite scary… First we were told to…