
Feeling Green…

With spring on its way we managed to finish planting our 2 new woodland areas and hedging just in time.  We had started last November but the snowy cold weather put that on hold until February! So now we’re feeling…
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Brain Food

‘We are what we eat’ is certainly a very old saying and one that has been used by many people to denigrate all sorts of diet theories over the years.  Well I think the best one is ‘if you eat…
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A Fishy Affair…

After writing about farmed fish in Scotland, it’s amazing how many more articles about fish farming around the world started popping up – all around the question of whether farmed fish is environmentally sustainable. The first article I came across…
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Born to be Wild

I happened to watch the BBC program ‘Country File’ the other day (28 Nov 10) in which they had a segment on salmon farming in Scotland.  It was all very interesting, but one small comment really caught my attention…  it…
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Lucky Name Change

On the eve of the Cancun Climate Change Summit, the north of England is experiencing ongoing heavy snow falls, the earliest snowfall in this region for 17 years.  And it’s expected to continue for another week! It’s just as well…
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