The Power of Chanting

“The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe…” – Inayat Khan. Where do you stand on the chanting front? Are you happy to chant loud and proud in a yoga class…or does the thought of…
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Make that Quantum Jump

“We don’t have to wait to own that dream. Step into the life you really want now…” – Dr Claire Maguire. Visualisation is a powerful tool which we can utilise at any and every opportunity. It’s quite simple, it’s free…
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Why a Digital Detox?

‘Addictions are always an attempt to escape from stress.  The more stressed people are, the more addictively they are going to behave.’  Dr Gabor Maté. The world we live in today is so far removed from our original tribal setup…
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Summer Trifle Recipe

With the new season fast approaching and after enjoying a few weeks of delightful sunshine, we have been feeling extra inspired by lots of yummy fruits, barbecue vibes, social gatherings and general summertime joy! With this in mind, our fabulous…
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